Monday, October 25, 2010

Do not talk to me literature

Y said, I do not adhere to the marathon, I gave up, but not shameful. This is much better than a dishonest person. "Yes, do not talk to me of literature!"

At first, I came to Beijing, is to be the same with the Y's youth celebrities. Y writing fiction, is writer, and I write poetry, it should be poet.

Y know, when I was a freshman in an economy in Hangzhou colleges lingered, depression can not find my poetry with comrades. By chance, fellow party in Inner Mongolia, I heard people talk about Y, Zhejiang's famous wit, surprise, our people in Inner Mongolia. Y talented, high school out of a novel, the University is send to. The next day, I carried my own poetry book, go to Zhejiang University to find a Y. Y's head and actually shorter than I, but he is older and encouraged me to say: "Literature is a marathon, to the end of the talent may be really successful." I nodded, with an unwavering remember the remark, and thus as its motto.

Graduated from college, my poetry books increased by three. Holding them, I came to Beijing to look for Y, then he is already a Beijing newspaper's chief editorial writer of the. Y first affirmed the results of my efforts, while very worried and said: "First of all to make a living, followed by the living, they need to make a living!" I looked at him very puzzled, asked: "I write poetry with contradictions?" He did not answer, just smiled, rather, "you try to know" means.

Of course, poets have to make a living, ah, I'm famous, I have to settle down. I studied economics, you can go to financial newspaper and magazine journalist, but do not let my work, interests and split it?鎴戞壄澶寸洿濂斿悇澶ф枃瀛︽潅蹇楋紝浣嗗洜涓烘垜鐨勪笓涓氫笉瀵瑰彛锛屾垨鑰呭共鑴嗚绉颁綔骞肩鐨勬枃瀛﹂潚骞磋?涓嶅叿澶囧氨涓氳祫鏍硷紝濂旀尝浜嗗嚑涓湀锛屾垜澶囧彈閭d簺鍘熸潵鎴戞墍鏅话鐨勫悕浜轰綔瀹堕瀵间滑鐨勬墦鍑汇?鑻﹂椃鐫?紝鎬?枒鐫?紝鎶婃墦鍑诲悶鍒拌倸瀛愰噷鍘汇?鍦╕鐨勫府鍔╀笅鎴戠粓浜庢垚浜嗘煇璇楁瓕鏉傚織鐨勪竴灏忓皬鏍″鍛樸?铏界劧鏈堣柂鏋佷綆锛屼絾鎴戝挰绱х墮鍏筹紝鍛婅瘔鑷繁锛氭垜涓?畾瑕佸湪杩欎釜鍦堝瓙閲岀珯璧锋潵锛佷絾鏄紝鍗婂勾杩囧幓鍚庯紝闄や簡鐦︿簡鍑犲湀锛屾垜骞朵笉瑙夊緱鑷繁鐜板湪鐨勮亴涓氭湁浠?箞鍓嶉?銆傝糠鑼殑鎴戝紑濮嬬悽纾ㄨ嚜宸辫涓嶈缁х画鎵紨杩欎釜鏍″鍛樼殑瑙掕壊銆傛?鐤戣鎴戠殑蹇冩儏瓒婃潵瓒婃矇閲嶏紝鎴戞墍灞呬綇鐨勫湴涓嬪鐨勭伅鍏変篃瓒婃潵瓒婃槒鏆楋紝鏅氫笂鎵х瑪鐨勬墜涔熻窡鐫?ⅳ鎶栵紝鏃犳硶鍐欏嚭鍑犺璇楁潵銆備竴绉嶆棤娉曞舰瀹圭殑鍊︽?娣卞叆楠ㄩ珦锛屼技涔庤鎴戞彁鍓嶈繘鍏ヤ簡鑰佸勾銆傝繖绉嶇姸鎬佹寔缁簡涓?鏃堕棿鍚庯紝鎴戠粓浜庝笉寰椾笉鎵胯锛氳繖鏍风殑濂嬫枟瀵规垜鍋ュ悍鍦扮敓娲绘病鏈変换浣曟剰涔夛紒

聽聽聽 寰堝揩锛屾垜杈炶亴浜嗭紝鎴戣濂斿悜鏂扮殑宸ヤ綔銆佹柊鐨勭敓娲汇?鍚屾椂锛屾垜瀹夋叞鑷繁锛氫竴杈硅皨鐢燂紝涓?竟鍒涗綔锛屼竴鏍疯兘鎴愪负璇椾汉銆備笉鎰挎剰绾补鍋氳窡鏂囧瓧娌℃湁鍏崇郴鐨勬椿鍎匡紝鎴戣繕鏄湪濯掍綋閲屾贩浜嗕竴甯箣鍦帮紝骞跺嚟鐫?垜鐨勫皬鑱槑鍔犲嫟濂嬩笉鏂烦妲斤紝姣忚烦涓?锛屾垜鐨勮亴浣嶅氨涓婂崌涓?牸銆備粠瀹炰範璁拌?鍒颁富绗旂敋鑷虫槸涓讳换缂栬緫鐨勬椂闂村苟涓嶆极闀匡紝鎴戠粨浜嗗锛屾寜鎻拱浜嗘埧锛屼竴鍒囬兘濡傞椹扮數鎺o紝杩炶涔呮湭鑱旂郴鐨刌鐪嬪埌鎴戦兘鎸戣捣澶ф媷鎸囪禐锛氣?浣犳?涔堣繖涔堣兘骞插晩锛佲?

聽聽聽 鍦ㄦ垜鏄ラ寰楁剰鏃讹紝灏卞褰撳勾鎴戞潵鍖椾含鍏堟潵鎵綴涓?牱锛屾垜姣嶆牎鐨勪竴涓皬濂冲鏉ュ寳浜壘鎴戯紝骞跺悜鎴戣〃杈句簡瑕佹垚涓轰綔瀹剁殑鎰挎湜銆傛垜鐩潃濂圭溂鐫涢噷鐨勫潥瀹氬厜浜氨鍍忕湅鍒癗骞村墠鎴戣嚜宸辩殑鐩厜锛屽嵆鍒伙紝鎴戞祽韬笂涓嬪緢涓嶈垝鏈嶏紝蹇冭烦涔熷姞蹇簡锛屼竴绉嶅己鐑堢殑缇炴劎渚佃浜嗗叏韬?鎴戝棲鍤呯潃锛岃涓嶅嚭璇濇潵銆備竴闃电煭鏆傜殑澶ц剳绌虹櫧鍚庯紝鎴戜綔浜嗕竴涓繛鑷繁閮芥剰鏂欎笉鍒扮殑涓惧姩銆傛垜鏉胯捣闈㈠瓟锛屾鑹查亾锛氣?涓嶈璺熸垜璋堟枃瀛︼紒濡傛灉浣犳兂鍦ㄥ寳浜殑濯掍綋鎵惧伐浣滐紝鎴栬鎴戣繕鑳借鐐逛粈涔堛?鈥濆コ瀛╁緢涓嶈В寰堜笉鎮﹀湴璧颁簡銆傝?鎴戣嚜宸憋紝鏇翠负涓嶆偊銆傚綋鎴戣鍑鸿繖鍙ヨ瘽鏃讹紝鎴戞墠鏄庣櫧鎴戞棭灏辨斁寮冭瘲姝屼簡锛屾垨鑰呰锛屾垜鏃╁氨鑳屽純浜嗚嚜宸辩殑濂嬫枟鐩爣寰堝骞翠簡銆傝櫧鐒讹紝鎴戝伓灏旇繕浼氬湪涓寸潯鍓嶅畨鎱拌嚜宸憋細绛夎嚜宸辨專澶熶簡閽憋紝灏变笓闂ㄥ啓璇椼?浣嗘槸锛岃繖鏄剧劧鏄嚜娆烘浜恒?閽辫秺鎸h秺澶氾紝璇楄秺鍐欒秺灏戙?瓒婂啓瓒婂樊銆佽秺鍐欒秺娌℃湁鏃堕棿涓庣簿鍔涘啓鐨勪汉鏄蛋鍦ㄦ垚涓鸿瘲浜虹殑璺笂鍚楋紵

聽聽聽 褰撴椂锛屾垜鐥涜嫤浜嗕竴闃靛悗锛屼綔浜嗕釜鍐冲畾锛氬交搴曟斁寮冭瘲姝屻?鏃㈢劧浜嬪疄涓婂畠宸茬粡绂绘垜杩滃幓锛屼綍涓嶅疄浜嬫眰鏄湴闈㈠鑷繁銆傛垜娌℃湁鍧氭寔Y鎵?鐨勯┈鎷夋澗锛屾垜鏀惧純浜嗭紝浣嗗苟涓嶅彲鑰汇?杩欐瘮涓嶈瘹瀹炵殑浜鸿濂藉緱澶氥?鈥滄槸鐨勶紝涓嶈璺熸垜璋堟枃瀛︼紒鈥?br />
聽聽聽 璋佽浜虹敓鐨勮矾鍙湁鏂囧涓?潯鍛紵鈥滆韩浣撳仴搴蜂笌鐏甸瓊骞抽潤涔冩槸骞哥鐢熸椿鐨勭洰鐨勨?锛屽笇鑵婂厛鍝茬殑姝よ瘽鐜板湪鏄垜鐨勫骇鍙抽摥銆傚浠婏紝鎴戜笉鍐嶅啓璇楋紝鍐呭績鍗存湁涓?姣斿啓璇楁椂鏇村畞闈欐洿鎸佷箙鐨勬縺鎯呫?鎴戠殑鐢熸椿骞舵湭鍥犳枃瀛︾殑缁撴潫鑰屾浜★紝鎭版伆鐩稿弽锛岀敱浜庢斁寮冿紝鎴戞敹鑾蜂簡鐢熸椿閲屾洿澶氱殑鐢熸満锛?br />


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Thursday, October 21, 2010

"Nobunaga's Ambition 12 innovations," Ida 55 Owari family reunification tragic history

Own facts, life facts, no killed, high-hee, is not SL

With a good Board, under no one can save the most on the Council, and resigned out of 20 marks the beginning of fame

Start looked at fitness and only the internal affairs of the cavalry to the B level, fortification can to A

First Bie Bie began to pass horses internal system (B grade final technology), and Bie Bie cavalry to the gun immediately and continue Bie fortification, Bie half (probably iron gates bar), has enough strength to open out to destroy the horses , home security is also no one to fight the case, then more cavalry opened 3w eat the horses, then that is the building of a town to the second city of Bie, Fort unable to keep four days, not adaptive, then dismantled light fortification study Social 鎲?cavalry

See Satake Takeda Ota has been eaten, there is still a port more than 2000 soldiers, flew out of the mountains and from rock to send troops to fight in Hong Kong by Shiogama Kashima port, did not think faster than I Takeda cavalry, first laid the Kashima port, I also hold a glimmer of hope, Takeda Nobushige naval annihilated a force against force, the result was not work, they gradually come to the reinforcements let me despair, and still get away, Takeda a longbow, then transplants were being arrested Ita cut off (I convex), suddenly desperate ...

Afterwards, fought off several attacks at home long tail, wait is finally Hojo Imagawa Takeda with the Union over the period, flew all the political people who all sent 70 alliance with Takeda, is no way the whole thing out, transplants were being cut, and home are idiots, and eventually the alliance was successful, poor me a daughter ... to the prosperity of capitalists give up its own well-being ....

Takeda that two eggs, about what technology will not change his line, the results still have their own research

Tailed him to help me on it, also promised his sister have never once

Seems to me the only advantage is his alliance, he decided not to hit me ... What a pity, do not know what my alliance ...

Take a look around, in addition to the high water Gaussian Temple, where no other can play, and hit a high water temple definitely has a long tail of the hornet's nest bucket, I rock a little less strength in coming out, then flew over the tens of thousands of troops to open ..

No idea, Huang pays off, I changed fields are all pulled down the market, the agreement of the public about Akita businessman, wanted to Bie southern barbarian, and almost 10 years later, I could neither lazy to learn a southern barbarian Technology to ...

What results found Takeda in Japan's Jun Tainan Imagawa, Hojo pulled reinforcements in the past, big chance, all the political to the agreement of all 70 people Kanto public, cost me tens of thousands of silver dollars, so poor I have only a few hundred dollars the case of agreement the Chinese public Kanto, convex, real Biequ, Takeda that two eggs, Utsunomiya, should be tail beat down, I Ohta, where the past can only be had, people have gone through the public site Kanto .. ..

The results of small high-City are open to all 5w cavalry out, with only one goal Odawara ~, while I commanded the people, whether or intellectual than a large portion of the North article rotten, but I soldier more than a lot of dead time, and finally won the Odawara, to win the fields in Hong Kong, and received H艒j艒 Kang, Hojo Tsunanari, there is no future to speak of the Ida finally see a little ray of Hojo's health was so precious, and Xiangyebuxiang, flew to the North section's Sport Awards had a wife

Then, a few cavalry A political idiots continue Bie good horse production, Hojo's health with the North section outline into a person, one team, helped clear the south with the long tail, very unfortunately, Takeda's League of going to, and the guy refused to continue Union, I have the tail Kagetora, Hojo's health, the key link into the North section, the most on the meaning of light, but not as good as Takeda in addition to command tail Kagetora naked outside (wear official posts than I long tail Kagetora b ox, and I the most senior Only official position +4), who else than me powerful, but also a focus on one lot, and I was just a few people, and my technology rotten mess (I convex, I wiped away in the southern tail, and that Several political idiot not to A-class cavalry are Bie full), how to do?

No recourse but to re-alliance, and this time another daughter .... off to see "capitalists of the pupil and Takeda Takeda Nobushige family marry a time", I have great rage of the ...

Finished on concentrate all Odawara, Bie about the internal affairs of the way, eaten Imagawa, only charge a per letter Matsudaira, with the Imagawa Yoshimoto Yuanshi real father and son, something else the early Taiyuan Sessai be dead

Oda's not too late, Takeda hundreds of thousands killed in the past, none so I touched the wall, Oda're finished, okay, Shibata Singer monkey brothers have escaped, and I waited eagerly for more than a year, God I really do not want to absolutely, monkey brothers blown my site, GJ, first Biechu drugs, referring to things with Takeda for the flag, and then separation of soldiers temporarily agricultural research, and then built a 36 building of a town school community, Biechu fort, with Takeda for making cars, hoho, you are smart, I am not stupid to say ..., and then taking advantage of the study with the building of a town full of internal affairs, to be decision time, I have a monkey, turtle, Tsugaru 3 Teppo for the letter B , and tours of the 3 books, get a 3A certified does not turn Teppo? Union of time is not long, full of light with Teppo only as a result, I abandoned the lack of sustained operational capability formolongi with the cavalry, began to study a sufficient light, enough light Biechu military drum 3 spear gun culture gun Cross, and leagues of the full, regardless, throw some garbage on the open p of straw sandals, and the poor get a southern barbarian I forget , even the seedlings are not knives ...

This Takeda cavalry like me is the internal affairs of fortification are full, he left no specificity, and to see what is what Society for the Study (in fact definitely want to research weapons, no special technology, name, priority research fortification , followed by weapons, special technology, special technology priority, fortification weapons into a 23, unfortunately it will not he Society for weapons), I more than he had the advantage of full light, but he Nanban full, I as a whole it had a letterpress printing, talent certainly Needless to say, I'm in the wind under the absolute

After easily winning Iwatsuki, Takeda in my line of attack the North, and I can only leave a few conscription, the full focus Ishikawa City, ready to counterattack

Finally, I Xiandiu the soil Kawasaki Hong Kong, but I won the cypress hill, followed by recovery of the soil Miyazaki Hong Kong, when I am ready to continue to attack the hill, he put Adonis had pulled Yamagata, I 103 wisdom of the best on the meaning of light to see him 110 the real field and his son, the multi-faith and others, when the tears should flow out, I told him Yamagata consumption of more than 100,000 soldiers to fight more than two years, still could not eat Yamagata, but continued in the West line of Takeda triumph, both immediate concern Kyushu, and also collected Takenaka Shigeharu Kuroda Yoshitaka enhancing strength, and my high days around the government's massive line of Horse, from the port of breakthrough after another won me the fields in Hong Kong, Odawara pay with rock, won Odawara when I was a blood spray out of the city on the giant giant city it is more than two city defense 12 defense, and I am vomiting blood is my 40 Lilium Society to give him once torn down, damn Takeda, You are Oda Nobunaga Akechi Mitsuhide Pusheng Shi Nan Guang Fang Tianhai township, except a few with me Shimadzu not the son of yuan services, Teppo's Adonis are you there, of a learning society formolongi death?

So I reluctantly, wondering if it finished yet? Ita-hui were to leave a mess to the Date Masamune it?

Yamagata City in the final assault, and my dawn, and day to kill the turtle finally learned to treat ... I received a few more than 90 Chilean poor guy, the most light on the meaning of assault along with JJ hybrid cars hanging pioneer intellectual experience that is not at all can not get, do not know turtle hair out, followed by Imagawa mixing bow and arrow, I really vomit blood, and I only own home or training to follow the trend of Hojo's Sport Magic Kotaro discussed in conjunction with disabilities, full 1000 experience

Takeda made a decision before his demise, he will be my Iwaki (such as small town there) built a Ping Cheng, pulling more than 30 w soldiers in, and then focus on a large number of Adonis, seems to me more than 10 soldiers w small high city in danger, but he was too careless, and Ping Cheng of the spectrum on behalf of the surprise appointment of Takenaka Shigeharu, this I will not speak, he supported the city more, big deal and back to a branch of the city of spectrum generation was OK, I lay Takahashi Shao-Win spectrum on behalf of the city, he changed to another branch spectrum on behalf of the city, Takahashi Shao Yun I away from me, I do not matter much to him, but he should put Takenaka Shigeharu called the Ota City ....

Takeda, you're dead ...

This will not look at me do not know Yamagata Jiugong on high, and to pay all lost rock Odawara, God have mercy on me, and seasonal time, end time, Takeda package fence, my house a monk, in his rush and the attack on the city of my little high, I even do not need defense, a direct monk truce

Then I edge of the corner in Pingcheng repair a samurai town, all built longiflorum scull ...

Truce over, tail Kagetora team H艒j艒 Kang team, Hojo Gang into force, the turtle team four teams troops killed to at least 50w troops Pingcheng, Nagao Kagetora Hojo's Health Hojo Gang Chengdu is the gun truck gun assault gun quilt, tortoise is treating encouraged by the gun quilt, some bloody battle, I finally won the Ping Cheng, in which Hojo's health, the key link into the North section, the tortoise once destroy both teams, but all have horses, gone back home to pull his brother battle, in fact, if the bow then, chances are would not have destroyed teams, and unfortunately I have not time to study the bow and arrow, full light, then by his bow and arrow Teppo tactics played Aoao pain, but also often attack injured, but I also found an interesting phenomenon, treatment tactics even generals can be cured of the attacks injured ... 鍥?... but if the tortoise is completely finished on spy hurt, he hurt, his troops can not fight inflation, and also rule ass the ...

Dig up the bamboo in the weight rule, and then attack Ota City time, also captured Kuroda Yoshitaka, I'm there H艒j艒 Kang ah, Kuroda Yoshitaka a month, 99 loyalty when the will was Hojo's Condon-yung, and this will be thoroughly invincible

Start the Jedi fight back, because the labor staff were Takeda to take away, Ushu Tandai were Ah took, my hands on a start to the Austrian state exploration problem, boss Terumune their backs, Sagami guard H艒j艒 Kang, Chun River Nagao Kagetora guard, then no, they both are my one, I feel uncomfortable banner banner, and a look, my daughters have had several 30 + of the 40-year-old would become a monk , they must make do married a few, selected a number of longer life hero, the most light on the meaning of Tsugaru for the letter (both in fact not long), Katakura King Kang and barrel mouth and continued, in fact, the turtle to Sena did not die, I will certainly marry him, after all, with Hojo's health, the key link into the North section, Nagao Kagetora together, the four old I was ... married 30-year-old Lao Gupo finished, keep the two less than 20-year-old small LORI put home watching this Board with the historical facts I have included a total of 11 Ji Ji, Gorohachi not yet born (nonsense, his father, Date Masamune not per serving)

Takeda then played a few games with the big battle, I hit a 140w 190w, Takeda became a hit from the 170w 70w, because I was depressed tactics formolongi bow is so intense, Takeda will bow Teppo I refuse tactics cut down, cattle or keep "future" income (the strange thing is, the more faith I have also been included in the ranks of the garbage, because his command No, I will never spectrum on behalf of him, okay Southern Light Fangtian Hai has been in West Line, if I caught the words are ....)

Takeda strength has been greatly damaged, was once the city he played only three Shimadzu Jedi fight back, of course, is not by me, without my fighting in the east, is holding strong man were I, Shimadzu finished early

Hit 1580 now has been a foregone conclusion

I Nagao Kagetora 145 123 weapons system

120 turtle's health system

Hojo Tsunanari system Takenaka Shigeharu 114

Intelligence intelligence Takenaka Shigeharu 115

Kuroda Yoshitaka Yoshimitsu top 113 Chi

Turtle 111 Chi

Hojo's health, monkeys, Tsugaru for the letter, Katakura King Kang et 100 + intelligence

Takeda side of the poor dead

130 of his own system (to fight for decades no command even a little up, really poor)

Satake re-114 system

Kikkawa Motoharu 113 system

Really Tian Changxing, Takahashi Shao Yun, Kato honest, Saito Yoshitatsu several 100 + reunification

Sanada intellectual father and son only just 110 South Light Fang Tianhai intelligence (all have horses grasp, really Tian Changxing often cheat, I 4, 110 + intelligence team to move him up, nothing to eat, he set fire to my 4 units put a cow is a quasi-total, but also full chaos, no one team can be spared, and my side of the point of setting fire to his mentally handicapped persons to discuss with the total cattle, he has not been affected over time, immediately put encouraged This is not what is cheating ... I do not bully If SL SL is ... What if I let you know what cheating ...)

Then a 100 + intelligence not, the rest are more than 90 intelligence, and I easily eat 110 + intelligence they

Medical books, in addition to five of those in this letter clear my body in Takeda, else all in me

One of the long tail Kagetora, where three of the Hojo's health, where seven of the bamboo in the re-treatment, where nine of the I did not tour out, had wanted to keep to the gross profit dollars on, and looked about a military officer ranks, has been be dead ...

In addition to sweep or mop the rest of the

In summary, because they do not SL, so I Ida Takeda transplants were cut off, I lost early on the only operational capability, and then twice to the Takeda weakness, married Ji seek to develop the time that the tortoise will learn to treatment, the war situation slightly clear a bit, so I lay Pingcheng, dug Takenaka Shigeharu, the balance has begun to tilt, and then won Ota, Dengyong Kuroda Yoshitaka, completely invincible

SL is not very interesting, namely, the majority of strategic tactics to be blocked, normal attack tactics are often blocked, this time will not help to read the general auto archive, this is checked her, it should pose clear with Ogasawara Sadayoshi often lie in ambush generals hurt me, it hurt me most of all spy chief commander, I can not fight the forces up, the more I capture river town, seize the two super-criminals, finally had their Execution on the Spot They are two offenses under dry than Oda Nobunaga, but really Tian Changxing have much more serious, in fact, most could not help me one SL is that I separated he sent more than 20 soldiers agricultural Tianwan time that day to kill Takeda , and also within the alliance on, open a lot of troops come to my site above the flat water Sagami Army public, the war spread to the internal affairs of my school community ... that would be I have decided to exterminate the future, Takeda home catch Takeda Takeda Nobushige clear letter with the time when these two guys definitely do not give her face, will cut the deal is off ..... The other is that the initial transplants were cut of, and that would I want to re-open a Bureau, and see already had four Kyi, how reluctant the results continued to beat down on

Strength of the last made a few maps, Shimadzu on-free, and Teppo full, and other technologies that refuse to pieces, men are not only 10w, Takeda is not with me as long as the struggle a little bit some of his slugger in the past the West line, he certainly do not know how dead dead ....

Last spring Nobutsuna is really baby, I've been too lazy to dig up things that dry food is not the sword high, and that he would not bow Teppo tactics, not in my list of executions, the often I destroyed his spectrum on behalf of the base, then they have to reward Po Takeda, Takeda reputation high, rewards are just bought a treasure, and now this guy who has three waste (without the adaptive capacity of those) a treasure of (because I destroyed three times by spectrum on behalf of the base), but it was strange that even before Takeda +5 Takeo reward him a knife ... really speechless ...

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Monday, October 11, 2010

Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Shenzhen million base

Shenzhen Wan-based Pharmaceutical Company Limited, is a private high-tech enterprise in Shenzhen to make a hundred enterprises, founded in 1991, the main health care products and medicines, more than 2,000 employees, assets of more than 600 million, in the country more than 60 offices, nearly 1,500 professional sales team. Sales in three years rose to 1.2 billion from 600 million profit over a hundred million. The company owns 10,000 base in Shenzhen and a number of pharmaceutical wholesale company's new drugs manufacturers, printers, farms, and in Canada, Hong Kong, the United States set up the company. Its products include the national drug Nock (famciclovir), national medicine protection pond of urine music, calcitonin, Shenzhen Hi-Tech technology projects, such as ginseng family health products. Chinese health products in the market with "leading" status. 95, the company market share by the State Ministry of Internal Trade as the first, the first comprehensive competitiveness. The company has more than 50 new drugs and health products project, and Shanghai Pharmaceutical Industry Research Institute, China Pharmaceutical University, Hong Kong Institute of Biotechnology Development, the United States, Britain, Canada, research institutions, has a close working relationship. Modern city of Shenzhen million based pharmaceutical industry, under construction in order to support enterprises of Shenzhen Municipal Government.

Review software selection process
After the major epidemic on the mainland market, ERP system, understanding, analysis and comparison, 10000-based company decided to examine two key ERP vendors products
QAD's MFG / PRO system, in which the column. Learn more about the functions of the software, the user visits on the basis of a successful, million-based Project Selection Committee on the following key aspects of the argument.

1. The necessity to implement
For the implementation of the ERP system, 10000 Base senior leadership has been positive. In their view, current situation in terms of business management, or long-term development of enterprise, and now the implementation of ERP systems are very necessary and timely. But problems may arise in the implementation of the new system on the existing enterprise management system, influence and impact, many management companies have not enough understanding.

At the final stage of selection, the mainland media published a paper entitled "ERP implementation in China, the success rate is almost zero," the article, including the 10 000 base caused many, including senior management idea. QAD's partner Atos Origin Information Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. to explain this to you on ERP project "success" of the definition and assessment, ERP project success factors, the conditions and knowledge-based firm has 10,000 companies implement ERP determination and confidence.

2. Implementation cycles and implementation costs
MFG / PRO system known for short implementation cycle. The implementation costs on, MFG / PRO system, while far below those features and more complicated parameter settings other ERP software. The MFG / PRO modules function has been to meet the 10 000-based company's current business needs.

3. Consultants
Atos Origin Information Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. QAD Services, regardless of experience in project implementation and enforcement effects, have outstanding performance.

4. System upgrade, replace:
As the 10000-based company is growing rapidly, the future certainly face upgrades, replacement, and MFG / PRO a good compatibility and low cost, minimize risk, control costs.

Based on these considerations, the Shenzhen-based company finally selected 10,000 QAD's MFG / PRO system, and chose Atos Origin Information Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. as its implementation of the service provider. The project was officially launched in October 2000.

The obstacles encountered in implementation and solutions

In project implementation, the following business areas are the focus of attention:

? Consignment, buying and selling patterns
10000-based company's sales contracts are purchase and sales contracts, but sales management, financial management is a non-place of consignment-style management, business systems can not provide accurate data management infrastructure needed to laugh.
ERP implementation has changed with the existing model, using the purchasing mode.

? Unit
Before the 10 000 units of measurement-based company is very confusing. Such as the product of the "box", have "big box" and the "box" and "small box" parts, the conversion coefficient depending on the specific product varieties vary; another, such as silk The "rice" and "block" unit of measurement also caused confusion financial accounting is not accurate.
First of all, the project team and the Treasury, procurement, cost, planning and sales departments were unified, "weights and measures", and then entered in the inventory balance of the new units in inventory by the actual inventory, input balance.

? External libraries:
As Shanghai, Guangzhou, sales volume of large company headquarters in setting up a finished outside the library. But by the manual management of the restrictions, foreign bank's stock, the storage business and other data can not guarantee the accuracy and real time, based on wind often delayed for Finance. Health care products industry, there is "promotional gifts" phenomenon. Headquarters to release a lot of gifts around the office, but because of limited manual management of the company offices simply can not gift tracking balances and consumption.

In the MFG / PRO system, local offices have been given "place" code in the "place" set up under the "digital library" code, through the "digital library" to track real-time monitoring great changes in inventory.

? Procurement and warehousing
Before purchasing materials only to verify the types and quantity of storage, which accounts payable management for the inconvenience. Now purchase orders by warehouse, a "three-match", streamline business processes.

? Production and storage
Previously issued material production, completion and storage only check the number of species, which to project management, cost control inconvenience. Today, single material by processing, storage and conduct flow, streamline the business processes.
? Market rate
In the health products industry, the market cost of the advertising costs in particular is one of the costs of the entire sales accounted for nearly 80% of the proportion of the cost of various detailed and timely market analysis and the corresponding budgetary control is the work of the enterprise market sector focus and difficulties.
MFG / PRO system, advertising agencies and other business partners will be set for the supplier, and the evidence, the systematic management of advance payments and payments.

Smooth handover and the implementation of the outcome of the system
10000-based MFG / PRO project was officially launched in October 2000, after a business process research and software functions of training, simulation and determine the business model, static data entry, data entry and other dynamic processes, health care products database in March 2001 a smooth switch Drug database in April 2001 as planned, it is switching. After more than three months of operation, the project achieved the following significant results.

? Establish a standard cost accounting system.
All of the original auxiliary materials, packaging materials, semi-finished products, finished products and gifts have established a more realistic "standard cost", and through the analysis of differences, strengthened cost management.

? The end of the financial duplicate billing, reduce the monthly time
When manual management is not standardized because the source of the data, the information does not flow, resulting in the department of financial sector data and statements are not recognized and their accounting; Similarly, the financial sector accounts of the various departments even more recognition. As a significantly longer time monthly.
In the MFG / PRO system, data sources clearly, openly treatment, treatment time in a timely manner to avoid duplication of accounting departments, reducing the monthly time.

? Provides customized sales analysis report
ERP systems have emphasized the timeliness of data, and in the software that is "heavy check, light statements", and the present management of domestic enterprises in the manual used to "build" various reports. Taking into account the actual situation, 10000-based company's information department in the ERP system has been developed that meet the business practices of management reports.

? To achieve real-time inventory, receivables and payables management
Realize real-time ERP system, inventory management, accounts receivable management and accounts payable management.

Million base through the implementation of ERP projects, we have the following knowledge, especially in this summary of the proposed, only your reference:
1. Appropriate software system
2. Experienced professional consultants and implementation consultants
3. The company has consistently supported the highest level
4. Project team's hard work
With the ERP system, applications and business expansion, change, 10000-based organizational structure is bound to be adjusted accordingly. Meanwhile, ISO9000/GMP, KPI-based assessment of combined sales, ERP work flow should be continuously adjusted and improved. Finally, we hope to continue to enhance the ERP project system based Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Shenzhen million management level, and ultimately provide 10,000 based company's overall competitiveness.

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Sunday, September 26, 2010

China International Open Source Day, held in Dalian

Fifth China International Software & Information Service Fair one of the main activities - "China's first international Open Source Day" in Dalian World Expo Center was held, the current activities of the theme of "together the open source community, popular open-source architecture" from open-source software vendors, independent software vendors, system integrators, open source software industry, domestic users, the open source community leaders, staff and other related open source software enthusiasts more than 200 people attended the event.

Open-source software for the promotion of independent innovation of Chinese software plays a significant role. November 2006 an EU study estimated the value of existing open source software 120 million euros, such as re-developed by professional programmers about 13 million years. Moreover, even if we put so much manpower, material resources, not necessarily developed in the short term. Therefore, based on open source software innovation is standing on the shoulders of a giant, in an open environment for independent innovation, which the software for the development of China's significance. According to COPU statistics, in 2006 Linux sales in China 218 million, an increase of 41%, OpenOffice sales of 700 million yuan, open-source database, open source middleware Dengjun from scratch, to achieve large-scale production and marketing level, 2006 local brand computers pre-installed Linux were signed more than 700 million units, accounting for the Chinese computer market, 35% of annual sales. Meanwhile China's homegrown Godson computer using Linux operating system, thousands of units now in volume production, all the data, open source applications in China has achieved an unprecedented breakthrough.

Since the development of open source software in recent years become increasingly rapid, open-source software applications in the industry gradually increased to a large industry users more choice and also in technology have brought the practice of higher learning the value of open Day at the source not only for the domestic large open-source software enthusiasts an opportunity to build up, also for the domestic and international open source software technology and provides the opportunity to communicate the results, the event is divided into two parts, first part "popular open-source framework for the open source community together," the General Assembly, open source companies from home and abroad Sun, successful software, Red Flag Linux, the open source community NPC gold positions and the common pulse XOOPS open source industry in our country, of accelerated revenue software industry development process. The second part "of China a large gathering of the open source community," Standard Software, Linux people, XOOPS community, Sun open source community and the majority of open source enthusiasts at home and abroad have carried out extensive exchanges and communication, the open source community building is the open source software force in industrial development, promote the exchange of more rapid development of domestic open-source software industry, and realized exchange, sharing, harmony purpose of the meeting.

Currently, the application software and application solutions using open source software or part of the use of open source software is a universal trend. Worldwide, the open-source software in the growing proportion of software is a trend. It is estimated that by 2010, with the open-source software-related IT services to all IT services will reach 1 / 3 of the Chinese software enterprises should conform to this trend by adopting a more open-source software and open source software solutions included.

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Friday, September 17, 2010

Sonic Foundry Vegas 4.0 Dynamic subtitles novice Collection 16

This example was originally a teaching Aoobe Premiere example of the basic skills are added to improve the common integrated works. VEGAS we can use very easy to make this effect.

Instance of the original Aoobe Premiere bottom of the video material is not, subtitles below a layer of natural water used corrugated material. In this example, I slightly modified, with the bottom of the instance of material. Corrugated material is not used water directly using the VEGAS media generator to generate a dynamic water ripple effect through the end of a subtitle. Effects of the instances are divided into two subtitles, subtitles do a corrugated bottom with water, the other section of the end to do with the video material itself. Good results, titles, show the glass effect.

Analysis of known instances, the use of the key points are: color gradient, subtitles rotation, dynamic backgrounds generated video, "a magnifying glass."


Add 6 in VEGAS video track, put the original material to six video track. Of course, we do not start editing the time to know how much will be used in the video track, then put the original material into the bottom of the video track. Need to use other video track on the shortcut keys CTRL + SHIFT + Q to add a layer of the video track. If you want to add a layer of the video track above the video track, right click the video track, then right to open the menu, select "Insert Video Track", the new video track to just add on top of the track in this video.

Color gradient

Generate color gradient background in many occasions both as a title background and the integration of the main screen can be natural. So master the use of color gradient generation is very important. Ok in Kara previously done a caption subtitles in a simple example is the use of the prompt color gradient generation. This is only a small color gradient used in the test chopper. Many also use the actual color gradient mask, and the background, here I will introduce the color gradient on the performance of video material the effect of the screen.

Builder in the media drag a transparent color transition gradient (Linear Black to Transparent) to five video tracks, make right in the track located above the video material.

Then open the Linear Black to Transparent property setting dialog box will appear on the map interface. We see the largest region Figure 3 control points, respectively mark for the 1,2 and the center of a cross-shaped control points. Mouse can drag the control point 1 up and down and move around. Drag the control point No. 1 to the upper left corner, the whole point of the linear gradient was inclined transition. Click on the 2nd control point, select the area to the right, select the blue color and then adjust the transparency of semi-transparent.

To get accurate results, you can also enter the color bar below the numerical values: 0,0,255, ALPHA value of 160. Then drag the control point cross-type center position slightly in the lower right. Then the original material of this semi-transparent gradient overlay colors, soften the lower right corner has a blue background. As illustrated

Video "magnifying glass"

Subtitling mask, the whole hollow in through the original screen subtitles. If not addressed, subtitles indistinguishable between itself and open to the original screen. Usually then two ways to achieve both increased subtitle font and background images of the contrast, but also makes the transparent effect is maintained.

The first method is to change the font color and brightness through the screen contrast. Can be added to increase or decrease the brightness and color of the plug, adjust the screen to highlight the contrast between the sub-rail purposes.

The second method is to change the font size through the screen. This change takes a little skill, both to maintain transparency and consistency of plans, but also a contrast shown. Then I thought of lens theory, how do we distinguish or in front of the Virtual image through a lens do? Of course, because the image through a lens shape changes occurred, or changes in size. Can be the first track (female track) of the TRACK MOTION or material on the first track PAN property regulation to achieve this objective. This example used to make TRACK MOTION. Open the home track TRACK MOTION property regulation, regulation in the video frame boundary an arbitrary vertex pull with the mouse, making the entire home track frame slightly reduced. Then look at the preview screen you can see the fonts and background images of the hollow frame through a slightly different, but also continuity. Highlight the fonts borders, and background images to retain the screen font consistency, to achieve goals.


Subtitles rotation

Transparent subtitles in the bottom of a solid rotation of four words, when the two sports as a set of rotation. Therefore, this effect is divided into two titles do.

4,5-rail track in the video section to add a default caption text of all (Default Text). Text as the fourth track "MORE FUN", the fifth track written for the "MORE TRY". Font size 24, using the default white color, fonts, colors do not use the edge, add a black shadow on the font.

Article in the subtitle layout panel (PLACEMENT) to rotate the text to move to the bottom left of the text transparent. As Fig. Directly with the mouse to drag the can. Observation of the preview window to determine the appropriate location. The same method on another set subtitle MORE FUN. The right location at the same Y coordinates MORE TRY.


Described on the title below to rotate. Open the fifth track EVENT PAN / CROP Properties Settings dialog box. Can see that the subtitles will not rotate in the center of the screen, if the usual method of direct rotation, the subtitles will center around a planetary motion pictures, the effect is clearly not what we need. How the center of the screen in subtitles for non-rotational set it? This requires changing the center of rotation. Previously talked about EVENT PAN / CROP Properties Settings dialog box screen center dots, the dot is the center of the screen rotation. Mouse to point to the dot, with the arrow icon into the cross-shaped, as shown below. Drag this dot to the MORE TYR center of the word, about the letter E in the vicinity.

Done this step, then the timeline below 4,5 seconds in the middle double-click, add a key frame. As shown below. At this point the mouse point to a corner of the screen, the mouse pointer becomes a circle with arrows, Fig. At this point the mouse counterclockwise around the rotation center of a circle-like drag. Drag the center of rotation occurs when a clock drawing, in which short-rotation pin point how much that has been transferred, long needle, said rotation angle. Counterclockwise rotation as illustrated by Figure 6 laps. After rotating the position requirements and the same starting position, the rotation should be a multiple of 360. Usually can not accurately grasp the angle towards the mouse. Then the angle can take values in the left column enter the point of numerical methods to obtain accurate values. My approach is usually the mouse to rotate the number of laps you can see the effect, the final value is usually more or less 4 degrees. Value column in the point of the mantissa can be removed. This method is very intuitive and simple.

Why must we do if the anti-clockwise? In fact, this is only effective for purposes of this subtitle. As a reader using the rotation characteristics, the fully clockwise, or clockwise rotation of the first few laps, then counterclockwise a few times, or turn rows. Flexibility according to the actual situation.

Similarly on the track 4 subtitles are set, the only difference is the location of key frames in 5 seconds later. Center of rotation is also the center of the track 4 title, is located in the lower right of the screen.

Speed rotation techniques

This rotation is uniform title made rotation, rotation speed if you want to create the subtitles. Such as rotation speed from fast to slow or from slow to fast. Key frame and the final results between the start key frame and add a key frame, key frame control center rotation speed rotation can be effective.

Finally the need to control subtitle display time, the effect of using the fade in effects production. To 4,5 to add two video tracks subtitles fade in effect. Fade in line with the mouse you can pull. The fourth rail for display in the back, fade in line more extended than the fifth track to the rear.

So far this dynamic subtitles completed.

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Monday, July 26, 2010

Fireworks produced hidden color photo

Before the burst of popularity these hidden color photo (in the IE browser, Ctrl + A Select All will become color), I believe many people will be produced using Photoshop, Fireworks click here to re-wordy way of production. Those who do can directly pass.

Source file:

1, open a color image, copy the layer out, make sure the two aligned.

2, create a 2x2 px canvas, pencil points, two points, as shown (below is amplified), and save.

3, back to deal with the picture, draw a complete map of the black rectangle covering the source, and set the rectangle with the canvas top left corner (0,0) of aligned, rectangular "texture" is set to just make the little picture, " total texture "to 100%.

4, select the rectangle and copy the source image, "Edit - mask - combination of mask."

5, after the image of the mask to add "hue saturation" effect, and set the "Hue" to -180 or 180 (anti-hue).

6, export higher quality format, complete.

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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Fast roaming Illustrator 10 (7)

Step eight: application filters and effects

Application of filters and effects Illustrator10 function, you can very quickly so that the selected objects have complex special effects.

1. Using filters

Now use the filter for the arts in the picture frame to add special effects, make it more artistic.

Use Selection Tool (Selection Tool), select the required image processing filters.

Click the Filter (filter) menu Pixelate (pixel-based) filter group Pointillize (dotted France) filter command, you can pop Pointillize (stippling method) dialog box.

Drag the slider to change the point size of blocks of color, click the OK button after satisfaction, such as (Figure 37) shows.

Figure 37 filters using Pointillize

2. Application

The effect of utilization functions, Add a Drop Shadow effect for the Panzi, make it more dimension.

Use Selection Tool (Selection Tool), select the plate graphics.

Click Effect (Effects) menu Stylize (style of) effects in the group Drop Shadow (shadow) command, you can pop Drop Shadow (shadow) dialog box.

Click the dialog box in the Preview (preview) option can be preview to add the shadow effect, if not satisfied, you can adjust various options until after the click the OK button to satisfaction, such as (Figure 38) by said.

Figure 38 Adding a shadow effect

Step IX: Add text

In Illustrator10, you can easily create a path at any point or text.

1. Enter text

Use text tool to add the title of this piece of graphics work.

In the toolbox select the Type Tool (Text tool), you need to add text in the location of click, you can blinking cursor.

Enter the title text "Adobe Illustrator 10".

Click the Selection Tool (selection tool), select the whole text (the text you type after the click the Select tool, the system will automatically select the entire text).

Drag the control point on the control box, change the text size and location, such as (Figure 39) shows.

Figure 39 to adjust text size


Select Windows (Windows) Menu Type (text) option in the Character (character) command, bring up Character (character) option panel.

In the character options panel to set Font (Font) for Allegro BT, can also set other options, such as (Figure 40) shows.

Figure 40 Character (character) option panel

In the toolbox at the bottom of Fill And Stroke (color fill and strokes) box set the text color can be.

The same method to add the subtitle mountain graphics work, such as (Figure 41) shows.

Figure 41 after the effect of adding text

2. Add text along the path

Use the text tool path along the edge vase to add some text.

Use the Zoom Tool (zoom) tool, the vase area enlarged in order to operate.

Using the Pen Tool (pen tool), draw along the edge of a vase with a similar curve, such as (Figure 42) shows.

Figure 42 Drawing curves

In the toolbox select (text tool) in the same group of the Path Type Tool (Path Text tool), draw the curve at the top click once to determine the text entry point, then curve into the path of a visible and has a flash move the cursor.

Enter the text "roaming Illustrator10", such as (Figure 43) shows.

Figure 43 along the path to enter text

Set text color, font and size, the text can move to the vase, such as (Figure 44) shows.

Figure 44 Path Text Effects

Select File (file) menu in the Save (save) command to save the drawing up work.

According to the drawing work can also be different uses, according to a different format Illustrator10 can even be posted to the Internet (the specific methods of operation, see the Illustrator10 "online publishing" feature presentation).

At this point, has completed the journey roaming Illustrator10, graphic works, drawing on the Illustrator10 process and its power has also been some initial understanding, then that is more familiar with the Illustrator10, Illustrator graphics to create their own works of it!

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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

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Ever DVD-Audio AMR CD-R to ID3 Backup contains an easy-to-use audio converter, just one click you can convert MP3, WMA, OGG, APE, VQF and WAV from one format to another directly; Audio converter to convert MP3, WMA, OGG, APE, VQF and WAV from one format to another directly. Compact discs to MP3, CD, CDA, CD-R, DVD-Audio, AAC, AC3, ID3, M3U, M4A, M4P, MP3 ID3 Tag, OGG, RA, WAV, WMA, MP2, APE, VQF, MPC, AMR, Midi, WAVE, and RM Compact discs to Windows Media. The anticrackle feature helps you avoid creating MP3s with crackles on some computers.

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Friday, June 25, 2010

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Monday, June 7, 2010

Professional M3U WAV to ID3 Creator

Professional M3U WAV to ID3 Creator contains seventeen lessons. Each lesson has one or two demo-scripts. The lessons sequentially describe all process of melody creation. Professional M3U WAV to ID3 Creator has an option that exports the melody to a midi (*.mid) file. The exported file consists of three tracks: melody, chords, bass. You can import this file to any midi sequencer. It supports the following audio formats are supported: MP3 (including VBR); MP2; VOX (Dialogic ADPCM); OGG; WMA; RM; RA; RAM. Convert WAV, MP3, MP2, MP1, MPEG, MP4, AAC, OGG, AVI, MPC, MOV, QT, WMA or 3GP files to WAV, MP3, MP2, ACM, AC3, MP4, AAC, VOX or AMR .

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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Ever CD-R MP3 WMA to M4A Player

Ever CD-R MP3 WMA to M4A Player - Use it, or respective buttons, to access the following functions: copy, paste, cut, delete, select all, unselect, undo, volume & balance change and fade in/out. MP3 Frame Editor - What can this program do? It lets you copy, paste, cut & delete blocks inside mp3 file. It also lets you adjust VOLUME & BALANCE of the whole file or selected parts. Can rip to MP3, WMA, OGG and WAV files. Don't take our word for it,see for yourself. High speed ripping and conversion.

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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

OJOsoft PSP Video Converter

OJOsoft PSP Video Converter is an outstanding video conversion tool for Sony PSP. It can easily convert any video format to PSP video and audio with fast speed and great quality.

With lots of codec built in, it can convert to PSP MP4 video from almost all popular video formats including AVI, MPEG, WMV, MP4, MPG, DivX, 3GP, 3G2, MOV, QT, FLV, DVD(VOB), Xvid, MKV, TS, M4V, ASF, DAT, DVR-MS, H.263, H.264, X.264 etc, and also extract audio tracks from video files into PSP MP3 and M3A format. Additionally, OJOsoft PSP Video Converter provides an easy way to convert into PSP MP3 and M4A from popular audio formats, such as FLAC, WAV, AU, AIFF, WMA, MP2, OGG, AAC, AC3 etc.

Key Features:
1.Support converting video files to the video format playable on Sony PSP.
2.Support converting audio files into PSP MP3,M4A format.
3.Support extracting audio tracks from video file to PSP MP3,M4A format.
4.Support the latest popular video formats - MKV, TS, h.264, DVR-MS, VC-1.
5.Windows Vista Supported.
6.Unmatchable converting speed, wonderful output quality.
7.You can select video size, bit rate, frame rate, audio codec, sample rate etc.
8.So easy to modify the name and path of output files.
9.When converting files, you can pause, stop and continue at any moment.
10.With the user friendly interface, OJOsoft PSP Video Converter is suited for both veterans and beginners. You can complete your conversion as easy as 1-2-3.
11.All decoders and encoders are built in. Once you download and install OJOsoft PSP Video Converter, all supported formats can be converted without downloading any more codec.
12. Safe to install and viruses-free. We respect your privacy. So there are no spyware and adware in OJOsoft PSP Video Converter.

Order Now, Instant Key Delivery !

For more information, please visit

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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Home Video Converter Pro

Home Video Converter PRO - Versatile video conversion software which convert all popular video formats such as VCD, SVCD, MPEG, MP4, WMV, 3GP, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, H.264/PSP AVC, MOV, RM, ASF, FLV into AVI format. AVI files then can be played in Windows Media Player or other standard multimedia player. With integrated advanced MPEG4 encoder, it is faster than other converter software.


- Convert all popular video formats such as VCD, SVCD, MPEG, MP4, WMV, 3GP, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, H.264/PSP AVC, MOV, RM, ASF, FLV
- Easy-to-use interface
- Avi files and then can be played in Windows Media Player or other standard multimedia player.
- Automatic computing for best output quality
- Output profile is adjustable, you can compress movies to any size and quality you need

We respect your privacy. So there are no spyware and adware in all our software.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Free Mp3 Wma Ogg Converter 2009

Free MP3/WMA/OGG Converter helps you convert WMA to MP3, MP3 to WMA, WAV to MP3, OGG to MP3, etc with friendly interface and lots of useful features. It can also merge multiple files into one big file, support MP3, WAV, WMA and OGG formats. Free MP3/WMA/OGG Converter allows you to easily convert multiple audio files at one click. It's simple design allows you to effortlessly convert your audio files with ease.

Simple, very fast and effective.
Convert all your Mp3, Wma, Ogg, Wav files.

Convert WMA to MP3, MP3 to WMA, convert WAV to MP3, OGG to MP3, MP3 to OGG files;
Convert to MP3 files from WAV, WMA, OGG etc;
Support batch conversion;
Merge multiple files into one big file, support MP3, WAV, WMA and OGG formats;
Copy ID3 tag between audio formats ( reserve ID3 tag during conversion);
When converting to MP3 files, bitrate, VBR or CBR, stereo or mono are selectable;
When you convert WMA to MP3, Bitrate is selectable.

Why choose Free Mp3/Wma/Ogg Converter?
So easy to use that only a few clicks are enough;
Provide fast converting speed. Convert a general song within several seconds;
Support all popular audio formats;
Exclusive WMA to MP3, MP3 to WMA converter meets your 99% requirements;
100% FREE!

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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Explosion AVI to MP4

Explosion AVI to MP4 is a best video and movie converter to MP4 Movie software! This product offers convert all popular formats to iPod, PSP, Zune, iPhone, MP4 video/ movie, Easy Convert DVD, VCD, SVCD, AVI, MPEG, WMV, MOV, MP4, RM, RMVB, DivX, ASF, VOB, 3GP and etc. Explosion AVI to MP4 helps you watch your music videos and movies on your iPod, PSP, Zune, iPhone. In addition, you can also extracting audio from movie or music video and converting to iPod supported MP3 file format! Explosion AVI to MP4 is the fastest Rip DVD movie to iPod, PSP, Zune, iPhone, MP4 video, you can convert almost all kinds of AVI to MP44 format. Its conversion speed is far faster than real-time, converting one DVD movie only takes half an hour in some high-end computers. Explosion MP4 Suite supports single-step conversion of DVD video into iPhone-ready MPEG-4 format while some other soft wares need two steps which wastes unnecessary time.

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Youtube Conversion To Wmp

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Bliss CDA M4P AC3 to AMR Creator

Bliss CDA M4P AC3 to AMR Creator supports encrypted audio CD ripping; Output audio quality is adjustable from 80 Kbit/s to 320 Kbit/s when rip DVD; Bliss CDA M4P AC3 to AMR Creator supports system idle and low priority conversion. Users can custom their conversion to get the best performance. Provide standard mode and advanced mode for beginners and veterans; You can edit ID3 tag for your DVD sound with Bliss CDA M4P AC3 to AMR Creator. This Audio Converter provides an easy and completed way to convert MP4 to MP3, M4A to MP3, AAC to MP3, etc, convert audio between popular audio files, such as MP3, CD, CDA, CD-R, DVD-Audio, AAC, AC3, ID3, M3U, M4A, M4P, MP3 ID3 Tag, OGG, RA, WAV, WMA, MP2, APE, VQF, MPC, AMR, Midi, WAVE, and RM etc. All conversion processes such as MP4 to MP3, M4A to MP3 and AAC to MP3 converting are very easy to handle with super fast speed.

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Friday, March 19, 2010

Bluesea Flash to Blackberry

Bluesea Flash to Blackberry is a professional video converter to convert Flash to Blackberry, and convert almost all popular video/movie formats to Blackberry MP4 format. The output iPhone MP4 video files can be played on your Blackberry. All popular video/movie formats are supported, including AVI, MPEG/MPG/DAT, WMV, ASF, MP4, M4V, 3GP, 3G2, H264, MPEG4, AVC, MOV, QT, DivX, XviD, VOB, FLV, etc. The amazing output quality with super fast conversion speed is brough you by the built-in power MPEG4 encoder. All the output iPhone MP4 videos fit your Blackberry.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Happiness CDA ID3 AAC to MP3 Creator

Happiness CDA ID3 AAC to MP3 Creator - You can edit the title, artist, album, year, genre and comment information of your files. Happiness CDA ID3 AAC to MP3 Creator is an easy-to-use tool to convert your audio CD to MP3, WAV, WMA and OGG file. Happiness CDA ID3 AAC to MP3 Creator copies the audio digitally-not through the soundcard-which enables you to make perfect copies of the originals. Happiness CDA ID3 AAC to MP3 Creator support FreeDB function and you can get track title, artist, and album information. Convert CD digitally and directly into music files , no temporary wav file used, saving your hard disk and make it faster! Full support FreeDB and ID3, you can get the music information from internet easily and edit the music information yourself professionally. Support Multiple CD-ROMs. Convert audio CD to MP3, CD, CDA, CD-R, DVD-Audio, AAC, AC3, ID3, M3U, M4A, M4P, MP3 ID3 Tag, OGG, RA, WAV, WMA, MP2, APE, VQF, MPC, AMR, Midi, WAVE, and RM files.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Merry DVD-Audio WMA APE to CD Recorder

Merry DVD-Audio WMA APE to CD Recorder is a powerful audio converter which can convert almost all popular audio formats to AMR, AAC, AC3, M4A, MP3, OGG, WAV audio clips and play them in your PC or other software audio player. Merry DVD-Audio WMA APE to CD Recorder can convert almost all audio formats, for e.g., AAC, AC3, M4A, MP2, OGG, TTA, WAV, WMA to MP3, AMR, AAC, AC3, M4A, OGG, WAV audio format. It rips audio CD tracks and saves them into audio formats such as mp3, wav, wma (Windows Media Audio), VQF (Yamaha SoundVQ), orOGG Vorbis, converts MP3, CD, CDA, CD-R, DVD-Audio, AAC, AC3, ID3, M3U, M4A, M4P, MP3 ID3 Tag, OGG, RA, WAV, WMA, MP2, APE, VQF, MPC, AMR, Midi, WAVE, and RM from one to another on-the-fly, resamples MP3 to MP3, WAV to WAV, WMA to WMA, OGG to OGG for changing bitrates, frequency, and other options. MP3 Encoder supports CBR (Constant Bit Rate) and VBR (Variable Bit Rate).

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Convert Mp4 Video To Mp3

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Alldj DVD To PDA PPC Ripper

Alldj DVD PDA PPC Ripper is a all-in-one solution for converting or rippint DVD to PDA PPC iPod MP4 or WMV video format, or extracting DVD audio to mp3 music files so that you can play it on your iPod and PDA PPC. It support all commercial DVD and remove all the restrictions of DVD (CSS, Region, RCE, Sony ARccOS , etc. ) . Alldj DVD to PDA Ripper has the ability to access all DVD included Sony ARccOS protected DVD and all other commercial DVD.
Top 4 Reasons To Choose Alldj DVD to PDA Ripper :

1. High speed and high Video quality

Alldj DVD to PDA Ripper includes our Super Encode Engine, which is much more faster than other encode engine. The Super Encode Engine based on MMX- SSE & 3DNow! technology, it brings you the advanced and high speed converting method. You did not need to waiting hours and hours, it runs 300% - 500% DVD real time speed. On the other hand, Alldj DVD to PDA Ripper strongly impressed the users with best video picture quality and guaranteed to deliver the highest quality for iPod and PDA video.

2. Support all encryption protected DVD and commercial DVD

Alldj DVD to PDA Ripper has ability to access all types encryption protected DVD, such as CSS encryption, Sony ARccOS bad sector encryption, RCE encryption, DVD Region encryption.

3. Powerful functions and Easy to use

Alldj DVD to PDA Ripper software is a powerful and stabile DVD to PDA and iPod ripping software. you can Set all the video/audio parameters, remove unwanted subtitles and audio tracks.

4. Low Price

Yes , low price is a good reason! Alldj DVD to PDA Ripper just $29.90 . click the [buy now] link to place your order.

for more information please visite

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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Ever CD M4A Audio to Sound Copying

Ever CD M4A Audio to Sound Copying- Convert WAV/MP3 to WMA. Convert MP3 to WAV. Convert WAV/MP3 to WMA. Convert OGG to WAV/MP3. Convert WAV to MP3. Burn your favorite songs to CDs so you can listen them in your home or car stereo CD player. Record sound include line-in, CD, tape, microphone and any input source to WAV, MP3, WMA and OGG files directly.62. It is suited for both veterans and beginners - If you are a veteran, you will find there are so many options you can set, if you are a beginner, you don't have to consider these options, just use default settings and rip CDs in a few clicks. CDA to MP3, MP3, CD, CD-R, DVD-Audio, AAC, AC3, ID3, M3U, M4A, M4P, MP3 ID3 Tag, OGG, RA, WAV, WMA, MP2, APE, VQF, MPC, AMR, Midi, WAVE, and RM converter- convert CDA to MP3; It supports ID3 tag - You can read/edit ID3 tag yourself before ripping.

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Change dv-avi to avc extension

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Wondershare AVI MPEG Converter

Wondershare AVI MPEG Converter is a powerful AVI video converter and video to MPEG converter that can convert video files of different formats to AVI and MPEG format. It supports all kinds of popular video formats. It can convert AVI to MPEG, convert AVI to MP4, convert MPEG to AVI, Convert MP4 to AVI and so on. The converted AVI and MPEG files can be played on iPod, Creative Zen and various other mobile devices
Wondershare AVI MPEG Converter is equipped with very flexible video and audio settings. It allows you to trim file length, crop video, set video and audio output options, apply video effects, and even capture images from your video files.
Wondershare AVI MPEG Converter is very easy to use. Even beginners can convert different video formats to AVI and MPEG without any learning curve.

Key Features
1. Convert all types of video formats to AVI and MPEG
Support AVI, Divx, XviD, WMV, MPG, DAT, RM, RMVB, and MOV and son on.
2. Support various mobile devices
A powerful AVI iPod converter, MPEG to MP4 converter, and video to mobile device converter,
3. Trim video length
Trim and convert video clips from your video files
4. Video Crop
Allow you to crop your video to get rid of the black edges around your video.
5. Selectable video aspect ratio
Allow you to select and output video aspect ratio from 4:3, 16:9 or Keep Original.
6. Powerful output settings
Provide you with various video and audio settings to adjust the output quality..
7. Support batch conversion
Convert more than one file at a time.
8. User-friendly UI
Easy to use even for beginners.
9. Support Windows Vista
Totally compatible with Windows Vista OS.

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Freeware Soft Library

Monday, February 1, 2010

Merry CD M4P Audio to CD-R Maker

Merry CD M4P Audio to CD-R Maker is designed for the everyday user with amazing audio effects, audio filters and tools for converting audio files into different formats, ripping Audio CD tracks to audio directly, including MP3, WMA, WAV, Ogg Vorbis, VOX, Audio CD Tracks(CDA) and many others. querying Audio CD CDDB information from internet. You can edit the title, artist, album, year, genre and comment information of your files.It is an easy-to-use tool to convert your audio CD to MP3, CD, CDA, CD-R, DVD-Audio, AAC, AC3, ID3, M3U, M4A, M4P, MP3 ID3 Tag, OGG, RA, WAV, WMA, MP2, APE, VQF, MPC, AMR, Midi, WAVE, and RM file. It support FreeDB function and you can get track title, artist, and album information from the Internet CD database. And more, Converter function built-in to converting MP3, WAV, WMA, OGG, from one format to another.It builds with a small Tag Editor. It has strong reading-disc-function.

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