Y said, I do not adhere to the marathon, I gave up, but not shameful. This is much better than a dishonest person. "Yes, do not talk to me of literature!"
At first, I came to Beijing, is to be the same with the Y's youth celebrities. Y writing fiction, is writer, and I write poetry, it should be poet.
Y know, when I was a freshman in an economy in Hangzhou colleges lingered, depression can not find my poetry with comrades. By chance, fellow party in Inner Mongolia, I heard people talk about Y, Zhejiang's famous wit, surprise, our people in Inner Mongolia. Y talented, high school out of a novel, the University is send to. The next day, I carried my own poetry book, go to Zhejiang University to find a Y. Y's head and actually shorter than I, but he is older and encouraged me to say: "Literature is a marathon, to the end of the talent may be really successful." I nodded, with an unwavering remember the remark, and thus as its motto.
Graduated from college, my poetry books increased by three. Holding them, I came to Beijing to look for Y, then he is already a Beijing newspaper's chief editorial writer of the. Y first affirmed the results of my efforts, while very worried and said: "First of all to make a living, followed by the living, they need to make a living!" I looked at him very puzzled, asked: "I write poetry with contradictions?" He did not answer, just smiled, rather, "you try to know" means.
Of course, poets have to make a living, ah, I'm famous, I have to settle down. I studied economics, you can go to financial newspaper and magazine journalist, but do not let my work, interests and split it?鎴戞壄澶寸洿濂斿悇澶ф枃瀛︽潅蹇楋紝浣嗗洜涓烘垜鐨勪笓涓氫笉瀵瑰彛锛屾垨鑰呭共鑴嗚绉颁綔骞肩鐨勬枃瀛﹂潚骞磋?涓嶅叿澶囧氨涓氳祫鏍硷紝濂旀尝浜嗗嚑涓湀锛屾垜澶囧彈閭d簺鍘熸潵鎴戞墍鏅话鐨勫悕浜轰綔瀹堕瀵间滑鐨勬墦鍑汇?鑻﹂椃鐫?紝鎬?枒鐫?紝鎶婃墦鍑诲悶鍒拌倸瀛愰噷鍘汇?鍦╕鐨勫府鍔╀笅鎴戠粓浜庢垚浜嗘煇璇楁瓕鏉傚織鐨勪竴灏忓皬鏍″鍛樸?铏界劧鏈堣柂鏋佷綆锛屼絾鎴戝挰绱х墮鍏筹紝鍛婅瘔鑷繁锛氭垜涓?畾瑕佸湪杩欎釜鍦堝瓙閲岀珯璧锋潵锛佷絾鏄紝鍗婂勾杩囧幓鍚庯紝闄や簡鐦︿簡鍑犲湀锛屾垜骞朵笉瑙夊緱鑷繁鐜板湪鐨勮亴涓氭湁浠?箞鍓嶉?銆傝糠鑼殑鎴戝紑濮嬬悽纾ㄨ嚜宸辫涓嶈缁х画鎵紨杩欎釜鏍″鍛樼殑瑙掕壊銆傛?鐤戣鎴戠殑蹇冩儏瓒婃潵瓒婃矇閲嶏紝鎴戞墍灞呬綇鐨勫湴涓嬪鐨勭伅鍏変篃瓒婃潵瓒婃槒鏆楋紝鏅氫笂鎵х瑪鐨勬墜涔熻窡鐫?ⅳ鎶栵紝鏃犳硶鍐欏嚭鍑犺璇楁潵銆備竴绉嶆棤娉曞舰瀹圭殑鍊︽?娣卞叆楠ㄩ珦锛屼技涔庤鎴戞彁鍓嶈繘鍏ヤ簡鑰佸勾銆傝繖绉嶇姸鎬佹寔缁簡涓?鏃堕棿鍚庯紝鎴戠粓浜庝笉寰椾笉鎵胯锛氳繖鏍风殑濂嬫枟瀵规垜鍋ュ悍鍦扮敓娲绘病鏈変换浣曟剰涔夛紒
聽聽聽 寰堝揩锛屾垜杈炶亴浜嗭紝鎴戣濂斿悜鏂扮殑宸ヤ綔銆佹柊鐨勭敓娲汇?鍚屾椂锛屾垜瀹夋叞鑷繁锛氫竴杈硅皨鐢燂紝涓?竟鍒涗綔锛屼竴鏍疯兘鎴愪负璇椾汉銆備笉鎰挎剰绾补鍋氳窡鏂囧瓧娌℃湁鍏崇郴鐨勬椿鍎匡紝鎴戣繕鏄湪濯掍綋閲屾贩浜嗕竴甯箣鍦帮紝骞跺嚟鐫?垜鐨勫皬鑱槑鍔犲嫟濂嬩笉鏂烦妲斤紝姣忚烦涓?锛屾垜鐨勮亴浣嶅氨涓婂崌涓?牸銆備粠瀹炰範璁拌?鍒颁富绗旂敋鑷虫槸涓讳换缂栬緫鐨勬椂闂村苟涓嶆极闀匡紝鎴戠粨浜嗗锛屾寜鎻拱浜嗘埧锛屼竴鍒囬兘濡傞椹扮數鎺o紝杩炶涔呮湭鑱旂郴鐨刌鐪嬪埌鎴戦兘鎸戣捣澶ф媷鎸囪禐锛氣?浣犳?涔堣繖涔堣兘骞插晩锛佲?
聽聽聽 鍦ㄦ垜鏄ラ寰楁剰鏃讹紝灏卞褰撳勾鎴戞潵鍖椾含鍏堟潵鎵綴涓?牱锛屾垜姣嶆牎鐨勪竴涓皬濂冲鏉ュ寳浜壘鎴戯紝骞跺悜鎴戣〃杈句簡瑕佹垚涓轰綔瀹剁殑鎰挎湜銆傛垜鐩潃濂圭溂鐫涢噷鐨勫潥瀹氬厜浜氨鍍忕湅鍒癗骞村墠鎴戣嚜宸辩殑鐩厜锛屽嵆鍒伙紝鎴戞祽韬笂涓嬪緢涓嶈垝鏈嶏紝蹇冭烦涔熷姞蹇簡锛屼竴绉嶅己鐑堢殑缇炴劎渚佃浜嗗叏韬?鎴戝棲鍤呯潃锛岃涓嶅嚭璇濇潵銆備竴闃电煭鏆傜殑澶ц剳绌虹櫧鍚庯紝鎴戜綔浜嗕竴涓繛鑷繁閮芥剰鏂欎笉鍒扮殑涓惧姩銆傛垜鏉胯捣闈㈠瓟锛屾鑹查亾锛氣?涓嶈璺熸垜璋堟枃瀛︼紒濡傛灉浣犳兂鍦ㄥ寳浜殑濯掍綋鎵惧伐浣滐紝鎴栬鎴戣繕鑳借鐐逛粈涔堛?鈥濆コ瀛╁緢涓嶈В寰堜笉鎮﹀湴璧颁簡銆傝?鎴戣嚜宸憋紝鏇翠负涓嶆偊銆傚綋鎴戣鍑鸿繖鍙ヨ瘽鏃讹紝鎴戞墠鏄庣櫧鎴戞棭灏辨斁寮冭瘲姝屼簡锛屾垨鑰呰锛屾垜鏃╁氨鑳屽純浜嗚嚜宸辩殑濂嬫枟鐩爣寰堝骞翠簡銆傝櫧鐒讹紝鎴戝伓灏旇繕浼氬湪涓寸潯鍓嶅畨鎱拌嚜宸憋細绛夎嚜宸辨專澶熶簡閽憋紝灏变笓闂ㄥ啓璇椼?浣嗘槸锛岃繖鏄剧劧鏄嚜娆烘浜恒?閽辫秺鎸h秺澶氾紝璇楄秺鍐欒秺灏戙?瓒婂啓瓒婂樊銆佽秺鍐欒秺娌℃湁鏃堕棿涓庣簿鍔涘啓鐨勪汉鏄蛋鍦ㄦ垚涓鸿瘲浜虹殑璺笂鍚楋紵
聽聽聽 褰撴椂锛屾垜鐥涜嫤浜嗕竴闃靛悗锛屼綔浜嗕釜鍐冲畾锛氬交搴曟斁寮冭瘲姝屻?鏃㈢劧浜嬪疄涓婂畠宸茬粡绂绘垜杩滃幓锛屼綍涓嶅疄浜嬫眰鏄湴闈㈠鑷繁銆傛垜娌℃湁鍧氭寔Y鎵?鐨勯┈鎷夋澗锛屾垜鏀惧純浜嗭紝浣嗗苟涓嶅彲鑰汇?杩欐瘮涓嶈瘹瀹炵殑浜鸿濂藉緱澶氥?鈥滄槸鐨勶紝涓嶈璺熸垜璋堟枃瀛︼紒鈥?br />
聽聽聽 璋佽浜虹敓鐨勮矾鍙湁鏂囧涓?潯鍛紵鈥滆韩浣撳仴搴蜂笌鐏甸瓊骞抽潤涔冩槸骞哥鐢熸椿鐨勭洰鐨勨?锛屽笇鑵婂厛鍝茬殑姝よ瘽鐜板湪鏄垜鐨勫骇鍙抽摥銆傚浠婏紝鎴戜笉鍐嶅啓璇楋紝鍐呭績鍗存湁涓?姣斿啓璇楁椂鏇村畞闈欐洿鎸佷箙鐨勬縺鎯呫?鎴戠殑鐢熸椿骞舵湭鍥犳枃瀛︾殑缁撴潫鑰屾浜★紝鎭版伆鐩稿弽锛岀敱浜庢斁寮冿紝鎴戞敹鑾蜂簡鐢熸椿閲屾洿澶氱殑鐢熸満锛?br />
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